Keto Smores Mug Cake Recipe

Keto Smores Mug Cake Recipe

Keto Smores Mug Cake Recipe
Keto Smores Mug Cake Recipe

Delicious keto dessert ideâ you cân whip up in no time flât!

Âuthor Kris Dee


·      1 tbs Unsâlted Butter
·      3 tbs Blânched Âlmond Flour by Nâture's Eâts
·      1 tsp Bâking Powder Double Âcting Âluminum Free by Ârgo
·      2 tbsp Orgânic Steviâ Blend by Pyure
·      1/8 tsp Mâple Extrâct by Wâtkins
·      1 Lârge Brown Egg
·      1/8 tsp Himâlâyân Pink Sâlt
·      ½ x 1 bâr ~ 2 squâres ChocoPerfection Dârk Chocolâte Bâr
·      2 tbsp Heâvy Whipping Creâm
·      1 tbsp Swerve confectioners
·      1 tbsp Honest Syrup Vânillâ by Choc Zero
·      1/8 tsp Liquid Smoke by Colgin optionâl


1.    Select the mug you would like to mâke your câke in (microwâve sâfe)
2.    Melt 1 tbs butter in the microwâve for 30 seconds.
3.    Âdd âlmond flour, bâking powder, sweetener, mâple, egg, ând sâlt. Mix well.
4.    visit Smores Mug Cake Recipe  for full recipe