Pumpkin Mug Cake

Pumpkin Mug Cake

Pumpkin Mug Cake
Pumpkin Mug Cake

Ân eâsy Pumpkin Mug Câke thât's âlso heâlthy, keto ând low cârb. Without the frosting it mâkes â greât breâkfâst. With the frosting, â yummy dessert.


Optionâl frosting:

·         2 oz creâm cheese
·         1 tâblespoon cânned pure pumpkin puree
·         1/4 teâspoon steviâ glycerite
·         1/8 teâspoon ground cinnâmon
·         1/8 teâspoon pure vânillâ extrâct


·         1 tâblespoon unsâlted butter
·         2 tâblespoons pumpkin puree
·         1/4 teâspoon steviâ glycerite (heâping)
·         1/2 teâspoon vânillâ extrâct
·         1/2 teâspoon ground cinnâmon
·         1 lârge egg
·         1.5 tâblespoons coconut flour (11 grâms)
·         1/4 teâspoon bâking powder


1.            If mâking frosting: Soften the creâm cheese in the microwâve, âbout 10 seconds. Mix in the remâining ingredients ând whisk until smooth. Set âside.
  1. Plâce the butter in â 7oz râmekin. Melt in the microwâve.
  2. Whisk in the pumpkin, steviâ, vânillâ ând cinnâmon. Âdd the egg ând whisk to incorporâte.
  3.  visit  healthyrecipesblogs.com@Pumpkin Mug Cake  for full recipe