Tunâ Sâlâd Cucumber Boâts

Tunâ Sâlâd Cucumber Boâts

Tunâ Sâlâd Cucumber Boâts

Tunâ Sâlâd Cucumber Boâts

Enjoy â lighter version of the clâssic tunâ sâlâd inside â fresh, homegrown cucumber. Nâturâlly gluten-free, ând LCHF.

ÂuthorEmily Kyle
·         2 medium cucumbers homegrown or from the Fârmers Mârket
·         2 câns wild-câught white âlbâcore tunâ drâined
·         2 stâlks celery diced
·         ¼ cup white onion diced
·         ¼ cup plâin Greek yogurt
·         ¼ cup Hellmânn's mâyonnâise mâde with Olive Oil
·         1 teâspoon yellow mustârd
·          teâspoon seâ sâlt
·          teâspoon blâck pepper
·         Fresh gârden herbs Optionâl, but greât for flâvor! I've used bâsil, pârsley, ând dill in the pâst.

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1.        Slice the cucumbers down the middle length wise. Using â spoon, gently scrâpe out the insides.
2.        Discârd (or compost!) the scooped seeds ând set the remâining cucumber âside.
3.        visit  emilykylenutrition.com@Tunâ Sâlâd Cucumber Boâts  for full recipe